Carpet Cleaning Tips: From the Pros at PRO!
Back To School Carpet Care Tip from the PROs: Dry Carpet Fast
Do you have carpet cleaning (and drying!) questions? We're here to help! Our PROs offer some quick tips to get a quick drying process with your freshly-cleaned carpets. In addition, we have a special carpet cleaning discount offer this month... check out this limited-time carpet cleaning offer for September 2018 at the end of the article - thanks for reading!
Getting Your Carpet Dry - Quick Tips!
How long should drying typically take after carpet cleaning? Most carpets dry thoroughly within 12-24 hours following cleaning, with a dry-to-the-touch feeling within a few hours.
What is the best weather for drying carpeting? The best weather for carpet cleaning is dryer weather. Low humidity means shorter drying times, so we recommend keeping an eye on your local weather forecast and selecting a day when the air is relatively dry, and windows can be open for good air circulation.
What if one area of the home or property is not drying as quickly as we'd like? On upper levels of homes dry times may be faster than in basements. This may be due to lower air circulation. In these instances, adding a box-style fan to the space will aid in the drying process.
What if I end up having my carpet cleaning on a high-humidity day? If a high-humidity day is unavoidable, there's an alternate solution. If you have air conditioning, closing up the house and setting your air conditioning to a comfortable level should move up your dry times.
Is it a good idea to have carpeting and upholstery cleaned at the same time? Sure! This keeps all the cleaning on a single day, easy to schedule and remember for upcoming visits! The low humidity day (or air conditioning settings) you choose will benefit dry times for both carpeting and upholstery.
On that note, check out this two-week-only offer for two of our services, Upholstery and Carpet Cleaning: Schedule and complete your Upholstery and Carpet Cleaning order between September 12-26, 2018, and receive 20% off your order total! Not valid for water damage orders, or in combination with any other offers. Minimum applies. Call for details.
With questions, or to schedule an appointment:
Call today, 651-645-0244!
Custom Carpet Cleaning - Safe and Green! When you call the professionals at PRO, we're happy to accommodate your request for a completely green carpet cleaning! Just let us know you prefer vinegar or plain water over standard carpet cleaning products, and we will happily adapt our process to meet your request. We're interested in helping you maintain cleaning standards that meet the special needs or desires of your household. Just ask!
All tips provided by Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners are recommendations for a best-practice process and may not be indicated for certain types of fiber. Please check with your manufacturer, manufacturer's warranty or call the professionals at PRO with any questions about the application of this process. This tip is presented as a guideline only, and Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners does not warranty or guarantee results of this process unless recommended for the specific fiber type upon inspection.
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